About the Volatility Analytics Newsletter

The Volatility Analytics Newsletter is back. Published bi-monthly and more often during high volatility periods, it is new and improved incorporating subscriber requests for more trades, basic instruction and information for new volatility traders, and charting.

The subscription comes with regular trade alerts and trade analysis with P/L diagrams, target prices, risk assessment. See newsletter trade performance in the sample.

Samples are available here:

VA Newsletter Dec 18th

VA newsletter May 9

VA newsletter Apr24

This is a dynamic publication, always changing to accommodate the volatility topics and issues of the day facing the markets. It will also add sections that the readers feel need to be addressed.

Included with the subscription will be frequent notes on volatility happenings, and the option to direct message me on twitter for questions and discussion on volatility topics and trading thoughts.




Volatility Analytics Trade Idea Newsletter -ETFs, Indices, Stocks and Futures Options

A second newsletter is being developed that will provide and analyze volatility trade ideas. Many of them will involve volatility exchange-traded products (VXX, UVXY, SVXY, etc), but that will be just scraping the surface. Indices like SPX, RUT, NDX and any ETF or stock where volatility presents an opportunity with a skewed reward versus risk, may be potential targets. We will also construct some of the best trades using futures and futures options. This is an area that many people do not understand and it provides some of the best risk/reward and income strategies.

These will not be naked long option trades – they will involve pairing multiple legs at different strikes and/or expirations in order to take advantage of market opportunities. I specialize in calendar spreads and diagonals. Yet we will also examine butterfly spreads, ratio spreads, verticals and iron condors. Volatility levels frequently determine the type of trade to examine.

Stay tuned, the newsletter should be launched in the very near future. I expect to publish 8-10 trade ideas per month.


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